
Help please!!




 Feb 19, 2024

Here are the steps for problem 2:


Find the equation of the perpendicular line passing through A: The slope of the given line is 21​, and its negative reciprocal is −2.


Thus, the equation of the perpendicular line passing through A will be of the form y=−2x+b. We can plug A's coordinates into this equation to solve for b: $1=−2(7)+b⟹b=15.$


Therefore, the equation of the perpendicular line is y=−2x+15.


Find the intersection point of the two lines: The intersection point of the two lines will be the midpoint of the segment connecting A and its reflection B.


To find it, we can solve the system of equations: ${y=21​x+4y=−2x+15​$


Substituting the first equation into the second equation, we get: $21​x+4=−2x+15.$


Solving for x, we find x=35​. Substituting this value back into either equation, we find y=317​.


Therefore, the intersection point is (35​,317​).


Find the reflection point B: Since the reflection point B is the same distance from A as the intersection point is from A, we can find B by calculating the vector from A to the intersection point and multiplying it by 2.


The vector from A to the intersection point is (35​−7,317​−1)=(−316​,314​).


Multiplying this vector by 2, we get (−332​,328​). Finally, adding this vector to A's coordinates gives us the coordinates of B: (7,1) + (-32/3, 28/3) = (1/3, 31/3).


Therefore, B = (1/3, 31/3).

 Feb 21, 2024

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