
Alyssa changed 2800 Malaysian Ringgits (MYR) TO US dollars ($) when the exchange was 1 MYR = $0.325.


At the end of her holiday she had $210 left.


(a)   How many dollars did she spend?



(b)  She changed the $210 for 750 MYR


What was the exchange rate in dollars for 1 MYR?



Any help is very much appreciated!  

 Mar 3, 2018

well in part (a) first you need to multiply the initial value with the exchange rate and you'll get 910 US dollars


and in part (b) you need to find the answer for 210/750 and you'll get 0.28

 Mar 3, 2018

1 myr = $ .325


$.325/ 1 myr =  $x /.myr2800

.325(2800)= $910


$910 - 210 = $700 dollars spent


$210 / 750myr = $x / 1 myr

$0.28 / myr          28 cents per myr    or  1 myr = $.28      Just as DC found!

 Mar 3, 2018
edited by Guest  Mar 3, 2018

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