
I could not figure this out if my life depended on it. I have over 40 of these questions and I'm so confused. Please help and show work because I really need to understand this.

 Sep 16, 2019

I'll try a few


In the first one.....these chords have the same length....so....this implies that


(7x - 39)°  = 87°


7x - 39   = 87      add 39 to both sides


7x  =  126        divide both sides by 7


x  = 18



cool cool cool

 Sep 16, 2019

I thought I was supposed to some special way to solve the arc ones. So I just solve the arc and line questions the same way? 

Guest Sep 16, 2019

Second one.....same thing.....the chords LM and NP have the same length




41 - 2x  = 7x  +  5         add  2x to both sides.....subtract 5 from both sides


36  = 9x      divide both sides by  9


4   = x




LM  = 41 - 2x   =   41 - 2(4)   =  41  - 8   =   33



cool cool cool

 Sep 16, 2019

Third one


Since chords  DE  = GF....equal chords are the came distance from the center of the circle


This implies that  HJ  = JI   ....so....


3x + 20  =  15x  - 64         add 64 to both sides, subtract 3x from both sides


12x  = 84    divide both sides by 12


x  = 7


So JI   = 15x - 64  =  15(7) - 64  =  105 - 64  = 41




cool cool cool

 Sep 16, 2019

Fourth one


LM and NP  are equal distances from the center of the circle....so....they have equal length


Then.....they also span the same arcs


This implies that


(8x - 56)°  = (5x + 22)°


8x - 56  =  5x + 22          add 56  to both sides, subtract 5x from both sides


3x =  78      divide both sides by 3


x  =  26


So  LM spans an arc of   8(26) - 56  = 208 - 56  = 152°


And NP spans the same arc


So  LP  spans an arc  = 360 - LM - NP - MN =


(360 - 152  -152  - 39)°   =    17°




cool cool cool

 Sep 16, 2019

Last one


Equal segments drawn from the center of the circle meet chords BC and CD at right angles

This means that the two chords are equal and thus, they span the same arcs....so....like before...


9x - 53  = 2x + 45     add 53 to both sides  and subtract 2x form both sides


7x = 98     divide both sides by 7


x  = 14


So  each chord spans an arc of  9(14)  - 53  = 73°


Then BAD  will span  an arc  =  360 - 73 - 73   = 214°



cool cool cool

 Sep 16, 2019

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