  1. A chess board consists of 5 cm squares of blackwood for the black squares and maple for the white squares. The squares are surrounded by an 8 cm wide blackwood border. Determine the percentage of the board which is made of maple. 

Thanks for the help.

 Dec 7, 2014

Best Answer 


The total area of the board and frame is (40cm+ 8cm + 8cm) = 56cm on a side....so..... 56cm x 56cm = 3136cm^2

There are 32 maple squares on the chessboard and eah is 5cm^2.....so....their total area is 160cm^2

So      160cm^2  / 3136 cm^2 = 5/98 = about 5.1%



 Dec 8, 2014
Best Answer

The total area of the board and frame is (40cm+ 8cm + 8cm) = 56cm on a side....so..... 56cm x 56cm = 3136cm^2

There are 32 maple squares on the chessboard and eah is 5cm^2.....so....their total area is 160cm^2

So      160cm^2  / 3136 cm^2 = 5/98 = about 5.1%



CPhill Dec 8, 2014

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