
The online LCM calculator can find the least common multiple (factors) quickly than manual methods. Whether finding the LCM of two numbers or multiple numbers, this calculator can help you with just a single click.
The LCM calculator is free to use while you can find the LCM using multiple methods. This tool would also show you the method to solve LCM.


What is the Least common factor (LCM)?

The least common multiple or lowest common multiples is the least number which is divisible by the numbers for which you are finding the LCM.
For example:
The L.C.M of 3, 5 and 6 is 30.
This means that the 30 is the common number that can be divided on any of the numbers between 3,5 and 6 to get the answer in integers.

Methods of finding the LCM

There are multiple methods of finding the Lowest common multiple between multiple numbers. Some of the ways are discussed below:

Listing Multiples

Prime Factorization

Prime Factorization using exponents

Cake Method (also known as ladder method)

Division Method

How to find the LCM manually?

As discussed above, there are several methods to find the LCM. Let’s go through the important ones to understand the basic idea.

1. Prime Factorization

Prime factorization is a simple method to find the LCM. Let’s see how to find LCM using prime factorization step by step.


Find LCM of 400, 500, and 550 with prime factorization?

 Feb 19, 2021

5 Online Users
