1. How is the decimal number 6 written in binary? |
110 101 111 |
9 10 12 |
To convert into binary, you have to consider how the number can be decomposed into a sum of power of 2. You must start from the highest power of two lower than your number.
So take your number 6 in your first problem. 23=8 And so we must start at 22. We hence write 6 below:
You can read straight off this as 6 = 110 in binary
To convert into binary, you have to consider how the number can be decomposed into a sum of power of 2. You must start from the highest power of two lower than your number.
So take your number 6 in your first problem. 23=8 And so we must start at 22. We hence write 6 below:
You can read straight off this as 6 = 110 in binary
Oh well now that i look at what you are saying it seems very simply now, thank you!