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Review Questions

What is crime?

What are three different types of norms? Given an example of each.

What are surveys used for in criminology? What type of information do they collect?

What is actus reus?

How are crime and deviance related? Do they represent the same actions?

Critical Thinking Questions

Emile Durkheim argues that deviance is beneficial to society in a number of ways, such as showing us where the boundaries of acceptable behavior are and that it can bring a group together. Do you agree or disagree with his argument that deviance can be beneficial? Why?

If you were going to study some aspect of crime, what research method would you use? Why would you use this method? What advantages would this method give you as you studied your topic?

Why do you think that we should study crime and criminals? What information might we gain by doing so?

Why do you think defining crime is so difficult? Give an example of a situation in which a “crime” might not be considered a crime?

Criminology combines the theories and insights of a number of different disciplines as well as adding its own insight about crime and criminals. Do you think this interdisciplinary approach is positive or negative for understanding crime? What benefits or disadvantages might it have for the field? What other discipline do you think has the most to offer for the understanding of crime and criminals?

 Jan 9, 2020

1.What is crime? Human actions that violate the formalized laws of a country, state, or local area.


2. What are three different types of norms? Given an example of each. Folkway Norms: Waiting patiently in line at the grocery store instead of pushing your way to the front.Mores: Telling your teacher that your classmate copied your homework. Laws: Stealing is an example of breaking the law norm.


3. What are surveys used for in criminology? What type of information do they collect?  They are used to collect opinions and factual information. They collect pieces of information such as the time the crime happened, where it happened, and information about the victim such as their gender or race.


4.What is actus reus?  Actus reus is the actual act that the person is accused of.

 Jan 9, 2020

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