Just want to thank anyone ahead of time for any help!
26) 4√64x^3y^6
28) 3√6* 3√16
30) √8x^5*√3x
32) 3 3√5y^3* 2 3√50y^4
(on number 32, the second 3 is part of the sqrt, the 1st 3 is in front of the equation.)
5) simplest form of?: 3√7x/3√5y^2
How about having a go at the next one Nataszaa and I will help if you get stuck.
Thanks Melody! I am awful at this...i have spent weeks with my tutor on it but i will try.
for #28 i wasnt sure, but i went off of what you had posted.
so i get the sqrt of 6 and 16? which are 2&4...what next?
28) 3√6* 3√16
So we have
3√6 * 3*4 = note that we are just multiplying now, Nataszaa
3*3*4*√6 =
36√6 ...we can't do anything with the square root of 6 !!!
30) √8x^5*√3x = √(2*2*2)x^5*√(3)x = √(4*2)x^5*√(3)x = 2√(2)x^5*√(3)x =
2* x^5 * x * √(2) * √(3) = (2x^6)√(6)
3√7x/3√5y^2 = (the 3's "cancel) = √7x/√5y^2= (Multiply the numerator and denominator by √5) = (√35x)/(5y^2)
Nataszaa, repost 32 again.......are there some parenthesis involved???
32 was weird...posting wise...lol
its a normal 3 then a sqrt sign with another 3 in the opening start of the sign...i cant copy and paste :((
I did 5) after 30....that's the one between the lines....I look at 32 in a sec !!!
32) So, I assume we have 3*3√5y^3* 2*3√50y^4 ???
9√5y^3 * 6√50y^4
9√5y^3 * 6√(25*2)y^4
9√5y^3 * 6*5√(2)y^4
9√5y^3 * 30√(2)y^4