
Can I put exponents in here?

 May 27, 2015

Best Answer 


Yes there are a number of ways.


One is to simply use "^", which indicates exponents. Eg. x^2 = x²


Another is to use any of the three formula/calculation applications on the bottom-most header bar. (eg. LaTeX, Math Formula, Calculation). These all use "^" to indicate powers, though they will be formatted like this:



$${{\mathtt{x}}}^{{\mathtt{2}}} = {\mathtt{4}} \Rightarrow \left\{ \begin{array}{l}{\mathtt{x}} = -{\mathtt{2}}\\
{\mathtt{x}} = {\mathtt{2}}\\
\end{array} \right\}$$
....................$${{\mathtt{x}}}^{{\mathtt{2}}} = {\mathtt{4}}$$.............$$x^2=4$$


Lastly you can go to the insert tab, then go to symbols, and there you will find some limited exponents, as well as a number of other useful symbols.

 May 27, 2015
Best Answer

Yes there are a number of ways.


One is to simply use "^", which indicates exponents. Eg. x^2 = x²


Another is to use any of the three formula/calculation applications on the bottom-most header bar. (eg. LaTeX, Math Formula, Calculation). These all use "^" to indicate powers, though they will be formatted like this:



$${{\mathtt{x}}}^{{\mathtt{2}}} = {\mathtt{4}} \Rightarrow \left\{ \begin{array}{l}{\mathtt{x}} = -{\mathtt{2}}\\
{\mathtt{x}} = {\mathtt{2}}\\
\end{array} \right\}$$
....................$${{\mathtt{x}}}^{{\mathtt{2}}} = {\mathtt{4}}$$.............$$x^2=4$$


Lastly you can go to the insert tab, then go to symbols, and there you will find some limited exponents, as well as a number of other useful symbols.

zacismyname May 27, 2015

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