
I've seen the following problem: find the maximum of $|z^3-z+2|$ such that $|z|=1$.

My try was the following: using two times the triangle inequality, it follows that $|z^3-z+2| \leq |z|^3+|z|+2$, but $|z|=1$ and so $|z^3-z+2| \leq 4$.

I believe that this isn't enough to conclude that the maximum is $4$ because I have to show that the value $4$ is attained by some $z \in \mathbb{C}$, right? Moreover, even if the maximum is attained for some $w\in\mathbb{C}$, I must check that $|w|=1$ as well, right?

So, in general, if I have a problem that requires to find a maximum with some constraints on the variables, if I have a bound from above I must check if there are values of the function that both attain that bound and satisfy the constraints as well, is this correct?

 Jun 5, 2021

The following should help:

 Jun 5, 2021

Thank you Alan! Your solution is clear and useful. Do you agree with my reasoning of why the use of triangle inequality is incorrect to determine the maximum or I have wrongly analyzed the mistake as well?

Hitago  Jun 5, 2021

I think your reasoning is correct.

Alan  Jun 5, 2021

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