
Let f(x) be an odd function defined for all real numbers x, and let g(x)=f(x+3)-5. You are told that the graph of y=g(x) passes through the point (2, -2). Then the graph of y=g(x) must also pass through two other points (a,b) and (c,d) Enter your answer in the form "(a,b),(c,d)".

 May 6, 2024

We can solve this problem by using the properties of odd functions and the given information about f(x) and g(x).


Odd Function Property: An odd function satisfies f(-x) = -f(x) for all real numbers x. This means the function is symmetrical about the origin (0, 0).


Shifting the Graph: The function g(x) is defined as f(x + 3) - 5. This means the graph of g(x) is obtained by shifting the graph of f(x) three units to the left and five units down.


Point on the Graph of g(x): We are given that the graph of y = g(x) passes through the point (2, -2). This translates to f(2 + 3) - 5 = -2, which means f(5) = 3.


Odd Function and f(5): Since f(x) is odd, we know f(-5) = -f(5) = -3.


Points on the Original Graph (f(x)): Because g(x) is obtained by shifting f(x), the corresponding points on the graph of f(x) are:


Point for f(5): (-5, -3) (three units to the left of (2, -2) due to the shift)


Point for f(-5): (5, 3) (three units to the right of (2, -2) due to the shift)


Points on the Shifted Graph (g(x)): Since g(x) shifts the graph of f(x), the corresponding points on the graph of g(x) are:


Point for g(-5): (-2, -3) (three units to the left and five units down from (-5, -3))


Point for g(5): (8, 3) (three units to the right and five units down from (5, 3))


Therefore, the graph of y = g(x) must also pass through the points:


(-2, -3)

(8, 3)


So the answer is: (-2, -3), (8, 3)

 May 6, 2024

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