
David spent 4/15 of his money on a pair of jeans. He paid $80 more

for a watch than for the pair of jeans. The remaining $130 was used to

buy a mini-compact disc player.

(a)   What was the ratio of the amount of money spent on the watch to

        the amount of money spent on the pair of jeans?

(b)   What was David's original sum of money?

 Feb 3, 2022

Let x be the amount of money David has.

given data

Amount of money spent by David on a pair of jeans = 4/15x

Amount of money spent on watch = 4/15x + 80

4/15x + (4/15x + 80) + 130 = x

8/15x + 210 = x

=> 210 = x - 8/15x => 210 = 7x/15 

x = $410 (Total amount of money David has initially)

(a) So, ratio of amount of money spent on the watch to the amount of money spent on pair of jeans.

= (4/15) (450) + 80)/ 4/15(450)  = (120 + 80)/ 120

= 200/120 = 5/3 or 5:3

(b) David's required sum of money is x, which is $450

 Feb 4, 2022

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