
Using the table for many repetitions of the experiment of tossing a coin 10 times, what is the mean number of heads in 50 repetitions of this experiment and 500 repetitions, and which of these sample means is closer to the population mean?

Number of Heads 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
In 50 Repetitions 0 0 1 5 9 16 10 6 2 1 0
In 200 Repetitions 0 2 8 22 38 55 41 24 9 1 0
In 500 Repetitions 2 5 24 57 111 111 110 56 21 3 0
In 1,000 Repetitions 1 8 43 117 207 248 203 121 45 6 1

x bar equals 4.8, 5.03; 50 repetitions are closer to the population mean
x bar equals 4.9, 4.99; 50 repetitions are closer to the population mean
x bar equals 5.2, 4.94; 500 repetitions are closer to the population mean
x bar equals 5.1, 4.9; 500 repetitions are closer to the population mean

 Apr 14, 2018

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