
Can you write the explanation? Thanks in advance!

 Mar 16, 2021
edited by Solveit  Mar 16, 2021

I'm assuming  we  want to know the limit as  n  approaches infinity....


a)  Limit  is  just  the  ratio of coefficients  on  the n^2 terms  =   1/  2


b)  Limit  of  this is  0  since the  degree of the polynomial  in the  numerator is  less than the degree of the polynomial in the  denominator


c)  an an    =  (n^2   -3n + 1) ^2  / (2n^2 + 1)^2   =  (n^4 - 6n^3 +11n^2 -6n + 1)  / ( 4n^4 + 4n^2 + 1)


Limit  = 1/4


The addition of  bn  doesn't  change  this  since its limit is  0  as we approach infinity



cool cool cool 

 Mar 16, 2021

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