Can you solve the equation:
e being Euler's number, approximately 2.71828.
$${{\mathtt{e}}}^{\left({\mathtt{4}}{\mathtt{\,\times\,}}{\mathtt{x}}\right)}{\mathtt{\,-\,}}{\mathtt{5}} = {\mathtt{8}} \Rightarrow \left\{ \begin{array}{l}{\mathtt{x}} = {\frac{{ln}{\left({{\mathtt{13}}}^{\left({\frac{{\mathtt{1}}}{{\mathtt{4}}}}\right)}{\mathtt{\,\times\,}}{i}\right)}}{{ln}{\left({\mathtt{e}}\right)}}}\\
{\mathtt{x}} = {\frac{{ln}{\left({\mathtt{\,-\,}}\left({{\mathtt{13}}}^{\left({\frac{{\mathtt{1}}}{{\mathtt{4}}}}\right)}\right)\right)}}{{ln}{\left({\mathtt{e}}\right)}}}\\
{\mathtt{x}} = {\frac{{ln}{\left({\mathtt{\,-\,}}\left({{\mathtt{13}}}^{\left({\frac{{\mathtt{1}}}{{\mathtt{4}}}}\right)}{\mathtt{\,\times\,}}{i}\right)\right)}}{{ln}{\left({\mathtt{e}}\right)}}}\\
{\mathtt{x}} = {\frac{{ln}{\left({\mathtt{13}}\right)}}{\left({\mathtt{4}}{\mathtt{\,\times\,}}{ln}{\left({\mathtt{e}}\right)}\right)}}\\
\end{array} \right\}$$
There you go - it has got 2 real solutions and 2 imaginary solutions.
that is interesting, I missed out on one of the answers
Thanks but I already ate far too much tonight.
Don't you know how to make that image smaller?
I was actually hoping that maybe Alan could show me how to get the other answer :/
Can you please Alan ?
Ok well thanks for the cookie I shall put it aside for later. :)
Perhaps you could find a little gold star for next time (I should be on a diet anyway)
The huge pic is a bit distracting in the middle of a thread but it was a really nice gesture :)