Carson flips over the cards of a standard 52-card deck one at a time. What is the probability that he flips over the ace of spades before any face card (jack, queen or king)?
This is what I have come up with. :/ [no guarantees that it is correct though]
Where on Earth are you digging these questions up from Mellie. :))
Now I have to work out how to calculate this without doing every bit separately.
Got any ideas Alan? Do you know how to get the web2 calc to do the numerator?
There is 1 ace of spades and there are 12 face cards. The other 39 cards are irrelevant! So this reduces to the probability of choosing the ace of spades first out of a pack of 13. This probability is just 1/13.
As it happens, Melody, your complicated expression evaluates to 1/13.
Melody, if you like doing the Rube Goldberg of math equations, this script will solve it for you.
sum ((39!*(52-i)!)/(40-i)!) /(52!) from i=1 to 40
Click here to execute Melody’s Rube Goldberg math script
Here are some cool Rube Goldberg contraption videos
2014 winner Rube Goldberg contest
London's Science Museum most elaborate Rube Goldberg machine, "On The Move"