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Channel 12 News is a new News Broadcast where every 3 days, Channel 12 will give you an update every 3 days on the activity in the Forums! Enjoy!

Hello, this is TitaniumRome, Channel 12 News!
The News-
Article #1-P**n Rebellion (social/political post)
Earlier last week, Melody has been talking about the solutions to ending P**n Riots, led by mainly anonymous users, lacrossegirl1 and lecrossegirl2, miss p**n, thediabities, and probably Jack Frost as well. However, many heroic people like Dbg4thebest have been standing up to the spammers and it has led to the Forum Rebellion to rebel against the P**n Spammers!
Article #2-The Wild Bob Jones (casualties post)
My boss The Wild Bob Jones has recently been in a car crash with a drunk driver. The drunk driver, thankfully, has been imprisoned and owes Wild Bob a fine of $50,000. The Wild Bob Jones will have head surgery and will serve 1 month in the hospital.
Article #3-Heather Feather (random post thingys)
Heather found a feather on the way home from school......
Article #4-Titanium VS 9th Grader (Warfare/Rivalry Post)
The rivalry, started on Sunday randomly by Rosala, continues today, and it is getting deadlier! Titanium faces it's worst enemy ever: The Whining Baby. So far, the two Forum members have been clashin' the entire time the last 36 hours, and it seems that Titanium will win. If he does, well then he will boost his reputation. If Rosala wins, then everyone will become a whining baby!
That's all for now! Channel 12 News out!

Come back every 3 days for more Channel 12 News Every 3 days at about 8:30 P.M. Pacific Standard Time!

Next Preview-The Studio Room, located between the U.S. (California, Washington, Oregon, Alaska) and Japan, as we discover the Fukashima Power Plant

 Apr 28, 2015

Best Answer 


you can thank me later, Melody!

A News Broadcast for the Forums with a chatroom for the forums is an excellent idea!

who would've guessed that one day the Forums would have a Broadcast? and who would've guessed that I am the Host/News Reporter?

 Apr 28, 2015

This can also be used as a Public Chatroom For Your Information!

 Apr 28, 2015

Yes this seems like a good idea for a chat room.  Thanks titanium ?

Maybe tomorrow you can include "chat room" in the heading.  :/

 Apr 28, 2015
Best Answer

you can thank me later, Melody!

A News Broadcast for the Forums with a chatroom for the forums is an excellent idea!

who would've guessed that one day the Forums would have a Broadcast? and who would've guessed that I am the Host/News Reporter?

TitaniumRome Apr 28, 2015

Omg I do not post p**n! Where did you get that stupid idea? This is a very inaccurate news report!

 Apr 28, 2015

Also, you're saying that Dbg4tgebest is standing up heroically, and all that c**p...well actually I'm the one doing the most standing up against p**n...! Jeez people do not listen to this poster!

 Apr 28, 2015

And about that Article #4, that was just simply insulting Rosala and glorifying yourself. We can all tell that you just posted this out of self-centered selfishness...

 Apr 28, 2015

I didn' standt up heroically, I just try to help and defend the work of Melody🌟, Cphill🌟, heureka🌟, and company. Well, thanks for all.

 Apr 28, 2015

👍 for the anti- spam rebellion!!!!!! !

 Apr 28, 2015

actually, lacrossegirl2, we have evidence from your other account (lacrossegirl) and the recent activity that you were involved with pornography. we CAUGHT YOU RED-HANDED on SUNDAY! even zegroes and Brittany J and TitaniumRome caught you, so technically, this is true information....you just probably deleted all this to get away with it

 Apr 28, 2015

as for Dbg4thebest, he actually is doing some of the work (most of it), along with Melody, and maybe Jack Frost as well.

we know that you lacrossegirl are actually in the P**n side, not in the Rebel side

 Apr 28, 2015

U cant scape!!!!

I think that Titaniumrome thinks that is good all these new-anti-spam-posts...

Thanks to all!!!!!!

 Apr 28, 2015

as for Article #4, i can't argue with that. I do admit Titanium that you are being a bit selfish. I know you're awesome TitaiumRome and that you are cool, but you can do better than this, can't you? I know you're pissed off at Rosala for starting a war (don't know who really did it) and bullying you, but that doesn't give you the right to insult her, it just makes the fighting more severe........take my advice, Titanium. After all, violence does not end any probelms, it creates all the problems....

 Apr 28, 2015

yea titanium is thinking that all the rebellions breaking out against the p**n spammers is heroic.....he's already building the graveyard for the war.

 Apr 28, 2015

as for article #3...really? the joke wasn't even funny! it wasn't even a jke!

but article #2 was hillarious!!!!!

really? The Wild Bob Jones?


 Apr 28, 2015

stop mocking my reputation, Heather!

Our boss pays us $5,000 a day for being awesome! how dare you insult the only person in life who gives you life!

The Wild Bob Jones deserves more respect than this, young missy!

 Apr 28, 2015

1 Online Users
