
Two men, Bob and Carl, working together can finish a particular job in 12 days. Bob, however,working alone can finish the entire job 1.5 times faster than Carl can working alone. What is the working rate of the two men, or how many days would it take the two men, each working alone, to finish the same job?. Thank you for help.

 Apr 14, 2018

Best Answer 


Let the number of days for Bob to finish the job = B

Let the number of days for Carl to finish the same job = C, then we have:


1/B + 1/C = 1/12. But Bob works 1.5 times faster than carl, or it takes him 2/3 the time it takes Carl.

B = 2/3C. Subbing this into first equation we have:

1/(2/3C) + 1/C = 1/12

5/2C =1/12

2C = 60

C = 30 - days - that would take Carl to finish the Job.

B =2/3 x 30 = 20 days - that would take Bob to finish the job.

 Apr 14, 2018
Best Answer

Let the number of days for Bob to finish the job = B

Let the number of days for Carl to finish the same job = C, then we have:


1/B + 1/C = 1/12. But Bob works 1.5 times faster than carl, or it takes him 2/3 the time it takes Carl.

B = 2/3C. Subbing this into first equation we have:

1/(2/3C) + 1/C = 1/12

5/2C =1/12

2C = 60

C = 30 - days - that would take Carl to finish the Job.

B =2/3 x 30 = 20 days - that would take Bob to finish the job.

Guest Apr 14, 2018

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