
I am playing pokemon competitively, and i want to calculate ALL the possibilities you have of building 6 different pokemon lvl 100 with max IV and EV with the most moves they can learn (yep, its kinda complicated, but not important). I am stuck with a calculation I need to do, so i need you people for anwser me please !


The pokemon have 6 different stats. I have 508 points that i have to put into these stats, but i can put a maximum of 252 into a stats. How many different stats the pokemon can have ?

 Sep 7, 2014

Best Answer 


I don't have a formula for this, but I ran a Monte-Carlo simulation for it.  This doesn't give an exact answer, but gives a ball-park figure.

I repeatedly selected 6 numbers in the range 0 to 252 at random, and kept count if their sum totalled 508.  

I did this 107 times.  In around 9000 of these 107 trials the sum totalled 508.  The total number of possible ways of allocating 0 to 252 to the 6 stats (without regard for their sum) is 2536, so the likely number of possible ways of allocating 508 points to 6 stats such that no one stat has more than 252 points is approximately (9000/107)*2536  or about 2.3x1011  or 230 billion.

 Sep 8, 2014

Oh my god, this reminds me of so many MMORPGs.


Doing a calculation with the max of 252 points for a stat confuses me a lot.

However, you could just max out 2 stats and have 4 points left over, although that won't make for an effective build. 


You could put 84 points into each stat as well. You would have 4 points left over.


You could put 83 points into each stat as well. You would have 10 points left over.


You could put 82 points to each stat as well. You would have 16 points left over.




So, you see there are sooo many combinations!!!



Side note: Each pokemon has specific stats which benefit more, right? In many MMORPGs, it wouldn't make sense to give mages STR and AGI, since they don't boost any abilities/help that much at all. People usually go hybrid INT/STA or something else along the lines of full INT/rest STA but never STR/AGI/etc. 


So, you should also consider what type of pokemon you are upgrading and what stats its abilities depend upon. 


You would never want to spend even one status point in a useless stat such as STR for a mage.


This becomes more complicated with PvM and PvP...since there are infinitely many builds and there will always be players who are stronger than you and those who are weaker...


******You would need to check out builds on forums for the best way to upgrade your pokemon although******


Many professional players know what builds work and don't work so it would be wise to read up on some of their insights.

 Sep 8, 2014

yeah, thank you for the respond, but i really need the anwser of this because some of my friends said that it is a childish game and i accepted the challenge of looking how many possibilities do you have making a team. I know spreading some points in useless stats is a bad idea, but it is still a possibility. So, for now I have made a lot of calculations in this, but this one about the 252/252/4/0/0/0 ; 252/252/3/1/0/0 ; 252/252/3/0/1/0 ; 252/252/3/0/0/1 and so on would be SO LONG taking time to check one by one that i really need a formula for this... or someone taking time for it ... or a program that will calculate it

 Sep 8, 2014
Best Answer

I don't have a formula for this, but I ran a Monte-Carlo simulation for it.  This doesn't give an exact answer, but gives a ball-park figure.

I repeatedly selected 6 numbers in the range 0 to 252 at random, and kept count if their sum totalled 508.  

I did this 107 times.  In around 9000 of these 107 trials the sum totalled 508.  The total number of possible ways of allocating 0 to 252 to the 6 stats (without regard for their sum) is 2536, so the likely number of possible ways of allocating 508 points to 6 stats such that no one stat has more than 252 points is approximately (9000/107)*2536  or about 2.3x1011  or 230 billion.

Alan Sep 8, 2014

Niiice !!! thank you a lot !!!

 Sep 8, 2014

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