
1. Enter the letters of the points that lie on the line 

2. Enter the letters of the points that are below the graph of 

3. Recall that the absolute value of a number is its distance from zero.

Enter the letters of the points that are on the graph of ​


Here are the points, the image couldn't be uploaded for some reason. All of the questions use this same coordinate plane.

A = (3,3);
B = (-5,-4);
C = (-4,1);
D = (6,-1);
E = (6,6);
F = (-2,-2);
G = (-3,5);
H = (6,-6);
I = (2,4);
J = (2,-3);

 Oct 29, 2022

1. The answers are B, D, E, and I.


2. The answers are C, E, G, H, and J.


3. The answers are A, F, H, and I.

 Oct 29, 2022

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