
I'm having a lot of trouble solving this problem:


(a) We have three standard 6-sided dice, colored red, yellow, and green. In how many ways can we roll them to get a sum of 9? The dice are colored so that a red 2, yellow 3, and green 4 is a different roll from red 3, yellow 4, and green 2.

(b) We have 10 standard 6-sided dice, all different colors. In how many ways can we roll them to get a sum of 20?


Could someone please give a thorough explanation to help me out?

Thanks in advance! 

 Aug 25, 2016

a) We have three standard 6-sided dice, colored red, yellow, and green. In how many ways can we roll them to get a sum of 9? The dice are colored so that a red 2, yellow 3, and green 4 is a different roll from red 3, yellow 4, and green 2.




Roll Total         Frequency

 3                          1

 4                          3

 5                          6

 6                        10

 7                        15

 8                        21

 9                        25

10                       27        and the  rolls of  11-18   will be in the same descending frequency order from 27 back to 1


So....there are 25 ways to roll a "9"


1 2 6     2 1 6     2 6 1    3 5 1     5 1 3

1 3 5     2 2 5     3 1 5    4 1 4     5 2 2

1 4 4     2 3 4     3 2 4    4 2 3     5 3 1

1 5 3     2 4 3     3 3 3    4 3 2     6 1 2

1 6 2     2 5 2     3 4 2    4 4 1     6 2 1


And notice that, no matter that the dice have different colors, that every possibility has been accounted for.


For instance.....for a roll of 2-3-4....we have 6 different possibilities  as denoted in the table :


Red 2  Yellow 3 Grren  4

Red 2  Yellow 4 Green 3

Red 3  Yellow 2 Green 4

Red 3  Yellow 4 Green 3

Red 4  Yellow 2 Green 3

Red 4  Yellow 3 Green 2


So....there sre 25  distinguishable ways to roll a "9' with three different colored dice.




cool cool cool

 Aug 25, 2016

(b) We have 10 standard 6-sided dice, all different colors. In how many ways can we roll them to get a sum of 20?


Like the last question , this just boils down to the number of ways to roll a "20"  with 10 dice.....


The probability =    21307 /   15116544   =   85228 / 6^10  =     85228 /  60466176




So.....the number  of ways of rolling a "20"  with 10  dice = 85228




cool cool cool

 Aug 25, 2016

How would we do part b without a calcultor?

Is there an easier process that can be done by hand?

KAIDON  Aug 25, 2016

a) It is essentially the same question as many in the same vein: Since they want the NUMBER of ways of obtaining a 9 with the roll of 3 dice, then the answer is the same as other examples of this sort: It is the coefficient of n^9 in the expansion of this series, which is 25!:



b) Similarly here. It is the coefficient of n^20 in the expansion of above series to 10th power:

[n+n^2+n^3+n^4+n^5+n^6]^10. n^20 =85,228 different ways.

 Aug 25, 2016

Yes!. You have to learn how to calculate the coefficient of any term in the series. In the case of "b", you have to calculate n^20, which is the 41st term from n^60, counting down.

 Aug 25, 2016

KAIDON is definetly taking AOPS classes like Mellie.

 Sep 7, 2016

Just thought you should know this is a repost. Check here:


 Oct 12, 2016

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