
There are 97 students in South High School. South High School offers only Chinese and Spanish. There are 5 more students in Chinese than in Spanish, and every student takes at least one language. If 48 students take only Spanish, then how many take both languages?

 May 1, 2022

Well, 48+5=53.
So 4 students take both.

Test of correctness: Spanish=44                                                44+49+4=97

 May 1, 2022

Not sure this is possible


To see why

Consider that no one takes both

Then 48 take Spanish and 49 take Chinese.....but we're told that 5 more take Chinese than Spanish


Consider that only  1 takes both

Then  48 + 1  =  49 take Spanish

So  53  take only Chinese and  1 takes both  =  54

But this gives us     53 + 1 + 48    =   102 total students (too  many)


Conslder that  2 take both

Then 50 take Spanish   and  55 would take Chinese   (53 taking only Chinese and 2  taking both)

But this gives us 53 + 2 + 48  = 103


The same thing happens if 3 take both

51 take Spanish   and 56 take Chinese  (53 taking only Chinese and 3 taking both)   =  53 + 3 + 48 = 104


So.....it appears impossible that 48 take only Spanish



cool cool cool

 May 1, 2022

Well.... I was very wrong. But it isn't impossible, although the question is very poorly written.


First I will explain some notations:

T(insert the launguage) is the number of students that take only that language +that take both

B(insert language) is the ammount of students that only take the language


And x is the unknown ammount of students that are taking both.



So we have :B(span.) + B(chin.) + x = 97

48+ ((48+x+5)-x)+x=97

So 91+x= 97

x = 6




T(span.) = 48+6 = 54

T(chin.) 53+6=59

So chin. is 5 more.

Guest May 3, 2022

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