
Find the number of subsets of {1, 2, 3, ..., 10}, where the sum of the smallest element and the largest element is equal to 11.

 Jun 21, 2021



The solution is ... complicated

 Jun 21, 2021
edited by EnchantedLava68  Jun 21, 2021


Let's elaborate.  We define an $n$--$x$ set to be a set having $n$ as the minimum element, and $x$ as the maximum element such that $n+x=11$.   E.g., $\{4, 5, 7\}$ is a 4--7 set.  There are five possibilities according to the extreme elements.   


(i) 5--6 sets: There's only one set $\{5, 6\}$.

(ii) 4--7 sets: Besides 4 and 7 that need to belong, the numbers 5 and 6 can be chosen to be included or excluded independently.  So there are $2^2$ sets of this kind.

(iii) 3--8 sets: Besides 3 and 8 that need to belong, the numbers 4, 5, 6, and 7 can be chosen to be included or excluded independently.  So there are $2^4$ sets of this kind.

(iv) 2--9 sets: Besides 2 and 9 that need to belong, the numbers 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, and 8 can be chosen to be included or excluded independently.  So there are $2^6$ sets of this kind.

(v) 1--10 sets: Besides 1 and 10 that need to belong, the numbers 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, and 9 can be chosen to be included or excluded independently.  So there are $2^8$ sets of this kind.


Adding numbers from all five possibliities give the answer.

 Jun 21, 2021

Very  nice  solution, Bginner  !!!!!



cool cool cool

CPhill  Jun 22, 2021

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