
Help plz with this


There are 97 students in South High School. South High School offers only Chinese and Spanish. There are more students in Chinese than in Spanish, and every student takes at least one language. If  students take only Spanish, then how many take both languages?

 Feb 10, 2023

Wow. You just copy pasted this from alcumus. Do you not realize that alcumus's latex is missing in this question. You are lazy, and i will not answer your question. That is the outcome of asking a nonsense question and expecting answers and not giving gratitude

 Feb 11, 2023

Let's call the number of students taking Spanish "x". Then, the number of students taking Chinese is 97 - x.

Since there are more students taking Chinese than Spanish, we know that x < 97 - x, so 2x < 97, which means x < 49.

If x students take only Spanish, then the number of students taking both languages is 97 - x - x = 97 - 2x.

Since x < 49, we know that 97 - 2x > 0, so there are more than 0 students taking both languages.

Therefore, the number of students taking both languages is 97 - 2x, where x is the number of students taking only Spanish.

 Feb 11, 2023

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