
How many numbers can be expressed as the sum of two or more distinct elements of the set $\{ 0, 1, 2, 4, 8, 16 \}$? 


this question has been asked before but i think the answer they gave is wrong

 Jun 18, 2021

Best Answer 


Note that this can be represented in binary as any number from 1 to 11111. 

How many binary numbers are there from 1 to 11111?

Hint: covert those numbers to base 10. 



 Jun 18, 2021
Best Answer

Note that this can be represented in binary as any number from 1 to 11111. 

How many binary numbers are there from 1 to 11111?

Hint: covert those numbers to base 10. 



catmg Jun 18, 2021

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