Here is another question from me Rosey ! Using yet another great translater (:

Example: Beth is a computer programmer. Her annual salary is $22,560. determine her salary per pay period before deductions.

Weekly (52 times a year): 22,560/52 = $433.85
Biweekly (26 times a year): 22,560/26 = $867.69
Semimonthly (24 times a year): 22,560/24 = $940
Monthly (12 times a year): 22,560/12 = $1880

Answer the questions below. Show your work. Round answers to the nearest cent.

1. Louis is currently earning an annual salary of $15,090 at Budget Electronics. He has been offered a job at Delta Tech at an annual salary of $16,660. How much more will Louis earn per week at Delta Tech than Budget Electronics?

2. Sue earns a weekly salary of $350 at Howard's Department Store. Next month she will be promoted from assistant buyer to buyer. In her new position, she will be paid $895 semimonthly. How much more per year with Sue earn?

3. Assume your present job pays a monthly gross salary of $1560. You are offered a new position that pays $8.60 per hour with time and a half for all hours over 40 per week. How many hours of overtime per week would you need to work to earn the same amount per week as your present job?

This is similar to the previous question I posted not too long ago, but here it is....Honestly with this whole English thing it sort of affects my math skills, and also I've never taken personal finance so this is difficult. Please help me?

Esto es similar a la pregunta anterior no publiqué hace mucho tiempo, pero aquí está .... Sinceramente, con todo esto de Inglés que tipo de afecta mis habilidades matemáticas, y yo nunca he tomado las finanzas personales por lo que es difícil. Por favor, ayúdame con esta pregunta y la más voy a publicar? Gracias a todos
 Oct 17, 2013
Hi Rosey,
I think your real problem is with English because these questions are not that hard, especially not the first 2 questions.

1. Louis is currently earning an annual salary of $15,090 at Budget Electronics. He has been offered a job at Delta Tech at an annual salary of $16,660. How much more will Louis earn per week at Delta Tech than Budget Electronics?

Let me give you a less scary looking problem.
Louis earns $15000 every year.
He is offered a new job which will pay $16000
How much more will he get in year if he takes the new job?

I hope that you can see he will get 16000-15000 = $1000 more (it is a subtract problem)
There are 52 weeks in a year. how much extra (more) will he get each week if he gets the extra $1000 in the year?
Well that will be $1000 divided by 52

Your question is similar so i will now let you try it.

2. Sue earns a weekly salary of $350 at Howard's Department Store. Next month she will be promoted from assistant buyer to buyer. In her new position, she will be paid $895 semimonthly. How much more per year with Sue earn?
This time you will need to change each of the amounts into a yearly amount and then you can subtract.

3. Assume your present job pays a monthly gross salary of $1560. You are offered a new position that pays $8.60 per hour with time and a half for all hours over 40 per week. How many hours of overtime per week would you need to work to earn the same amount per week as your present job?
This one is harder
First work out how much will be paid at the second job if just 40 hours every week is worked. $8.60 * 40 * number of weeks in a year
Next work out how much more money needs to be earned. It will be a subtraction
Next work out how much money will be earned for 1 overtime hour at time and a half $8.60 * 1.5 = $12.90
next let x be the number of overtime hours needed.
$12.90 * x = total overtime money needed.
now solve the equation.

I hope this still reads the same when you translate it into spanish.

You said you had a better translator now. What is it? Is it a free one? I use google translator but I know it often does a poor job.

If you still need more help I will keep trying to help you.
 Oct 18, 2013
Thank you so much for helping me! I'm not quite sure if the answer is stable but I'm willing to go with my gut! Anyways, thanks for the help again and my translator? Well it's either Bing or Rosetta Stone app on my phone. Bing is much more reliable then google because sometimes it doesn't always give the right spanish Gracias!
 Oct 21, 2013
Thanks for the information Rosey and I am very glad that I can help you.
I am using Bing for the translation.

Gracias por la información Rosey y estoy muy contento de que te puedo ayudar.
Estoy utilizando a Bing para la traducción.
 Oct 21, 2013

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