
Your goal is to have an emergency fund equal to 3 months living expenses. Your living expenses are $700 a month. Your take-home pay per month is $1,100, and you plan to put 10% toward your emergency fund each month. How long will it take you to reach your goal? plz help

 Sep 13, 2016

Your goal is to have an emergency fund equal to 3 months living expenses. Your living expenses are $700 a month. Your take-home pay per month is $1,100, and you plan to put 10% toward your emergency fund each month. How long will it take you to reach your goal? plz help


Your emergency fund =$700 x 3 =$2,100

10% of $1,100 =$110 decuction per month.

$2,100 / $110 =19 1/11 months to save for emergency fund of 3 months' living expenses.

 Sep 13, 2016

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