
Curved A These questions are open ended. Only numbers are expected. The precision (The answer precision (number of decimal places) is indicated for each question. Each question is worth 7 - 10 points. Use the provided information and the dimensions in the drawing below to solve all of the following questions. A gallon of paint covers 400 square feet. 1 kilogram is equal to 2.205 pounds. *Special note: To find an equivalency of pounds to grams, move the decimal. 1 cubic inch is equal to 16.387 cubic centimeter. Density is a weight OR mass per unit of volume. Commonly pounds per cubic inch OR grams per cubic centimeter. Current shipping standards are $5.25 per pound. All dimensions of the Curved A are inches. The Curved A is made from HDPE (high density polyethylene), which has a density of 0.952 grams/cubic centimeter The arc of the Curved A has a radius measurement. The (thru) hole goes fully through the Curved A and has a diameter measurement. The Curved A is symmetrical left to right as indicated by the center line. The Curved A is cut from a standard stock thickness. *See the depth note.




What is the volume of the Curved A? * Provide your numeric answer to the nearest thousandth of an inch (0.000 inch). No units required in your answer. Hint: This object is an irregular polygon, so try to account for area of the front and then multiply by the thickness.


What is the weight density of the Curved A? * Provide your numeric answer with four (4) significant digits (0.000). No units required in your answer. Hint: This answer has a leading zero (before the decimal). There is a very easy way to solve this problem and a long, difficult way to solve this problem.


What is the weight of one Curved A? * Provide your numeric answer with four (4) significant digits (0.000). No units required in your answer. Hint: This answer has a leading zero (before the decimal). There is a very easy way to solve this problem and a long, difficult way to solve this problem.

 Aug 7, 2021

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 Aug 7, 2021

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