What is a volume of cone which have 28mm height and 132mm circumference of base?
 Dec 7, 2013
I think that this is your second cone problem.
This is the answer that Ialready gave you

What is volume of cone
a cone is a circular pyramid. (because the bottom of a cone is a circle and then it goes up to a point at the top.)
The volume of any pyramid is 1/3 * the area of the base * the perpendicular height
The base is a circle so it's Area is pi * r^2
The volume of a cone must be 1/3 * pi * r^2 * h

Now lets look at your next problem.
What is a volume of cone which have 28mm height and 132mm circumference of base?
You have the height so that is good.
You have the circumference and you should know that the circumference of a circle is 2*pi*r
So you can set up an equation for the circumference and then solve it to find the value of r
Once you have r you can work out the volume of the cone.
 Dec 8, 2013

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