
Solve the following differential equation:
y'' + y = 0, y(0)=2, y'(0)=1. Thanks for help.

 Dec 13, 2016

Best Answer 


Chris's characteristic equation results from assuming a solution of the form y(t) = kert. This results in:

r2y + y = 0, which, to be true for all t, means r2 + 1 = 0, so r = i and -i.  This means the general solution can be written as the sum: y = k1eit + k2e-it.  Turning this into trig functions we get y = Asin(t) + Bcos(t).  (The k's, A and B are arbitrary constants thus far, of course).

 Dec 13, 2016

Solve ( d^2 y(x))/( dx^2) + y(x) = 0, such that y(0) = 2 and y'(0) = 1:
Assume a solution will be proportional to e^(λ x) for some constant λ.
Substitute y(x) = e^(λ x) into the differential equation:
( d^2 )/( dx^2)(e^(λ x)) + e^(λ x) = 0
Substitute ( d^2 )/( dx^2)(e^(λ x)) = λ^2 e^(λ x):
λ^2 e^(λ x) + e^(λ x) = 0
Factor out e^(λ x):
(λ^2 + 1) e^(λ x) = 0
Since e^(λ x) !=0 for any finite λ, the zeros must come from the polynomial:
λ^2 + 1 = 0
Solve for λ:
λ = i or λ = -i
The roots λ = ± i give y_1(x) = c_1 e^(i x), y_2(x) = c_2 e^(-i x) as solutions, where c_1 and c_2 are arbitrary constants.
The general solution is the sum of the above solutions:
y(x) = y_1(x) + y_2(x) = c_1 e^(i x) + c_2/e^(i x)
Apply Euler's identity e^(α + i β) = e^α cos(β) + i e^α sin(β):
y(x) = c_1 (cos(x) + i sin(x)) + c_2 (cos(x) - i sin(x))
Regroup terms:
y(x) = (c_1 + c_2) cos(x) + i (c_1 - c_2) sin(x)
Redefine c_1 + c_2 as c_1 and i (c_1 - c_2) as c_2, since these are arbitrary constants:
y(x) = c_1 cos(x) + c_2 sin(x)
Solve for the unknown constants using the initial conditions:
Compute ( dy(x))/( dx):
( dy(x))/( dx) = ( d)/( dx)(c_1 cos(x) + c_2 sin(x))
 = -(c_1 sin(x)) + c_2 cos(x)
Substitute y(0) = 2 into y(x) = c_2 sin(x) + c_1 cos(x):
c_1 = 2
Substitute y'(0) = 1 into ( dy(x))/( dx) = c_2 cos(x) - c_1 sin(x):
c_2 = 1
Solve the system:
c_1 = 2
c_2 = 1
Substitute c_1 = 2 and c_2 = 1 into y(x) = c_2 sin(x) + c_1 cos(x):
Answer: |y(x) = 2 cos(x) + sin(x)

 Dec 13, 2016

y'' + y = 0, y(0)=2, y'(0)=1


Let the characteristic equation be  :  r^2   + 1    =  0


The complex roots are i and − i


The general solution to the differential equation is then......:


y.(t)  = c1cos(t)  + c2sin(t)


And since  y(0)=2, we have


2 = c1cos(0)  + c2sin(0) 


2 = c1


And   y'(t)  = −2sin((t) + c2cos((t)


And  y'(0)=1   .....so.....


y'(0)  = −2sin(0) + c2cos(0)  =  1  .→ c2 = 1


So....the specific solution is :


y.(t)  = 2cos(t)  + sin(t)





cool cool cool

 Dec 13, 2016

Hi Chris,


Where did this line come from?  

Let the characteristic equation be  :  r^2   + 1    =  0

Melody  Dec 13, 2016

Melody......see a mehod of solving these "complex root"  form equations here :






cool cool cool

 Dec 13, 2016

Thanks Chris but that page doesn't seem to explain it either.


It just does what you did and says.

This is it!  Like it or lump it!   LOL   


Never mind, maybe I will see the logic after I think about it :)

Melody  Dec 13, 2016

See if this helps :  http://tutorial.math.lamar.edu/Classes/DE/SecondOrderConcepts.aspx





cool cool cool

 Dec 13, 2016

Thanks Chris   laugh

Melody  Dec 13, 2016

All physicists will immediately recognise this differential equation as that describing simple harmonic motion, for which the general solution is y(t) = Asin(wt) + Bcos(wt) where A and B are amplitudes (determined by the initial conditions) and w is frequency:



 Dec 13, 2016

Solve the following differential equation:
y'' + y = 0,




\(\begin{array}{|rcll|} \hline y(x)'' + y(x) &=& 0 \\ y(x)'' &=& -y(x) \\ \hline \end{array}\)


We search a function which arises twice derived again, but with a negative algebraic sign.

There occurs very fast sin (x) or cos (x).


Example 1:

\(\begin{array}{|rcll|} \hline y(x) &=& c_1 \cdot \sin(x) \\ y'(x) &=& c_1 \cdot \cos(x) \\ y''(x) &=& -c_1 \cdot \sin(x) \\\\ \Rightarrow y''(x) &=& -y(x) \\ \hline \end{array}\)


Example 2:

\(\begin{array}{|rcll|} \hline y(x) &=& c_2 \cdot \cos(x) \\ y'(x) &=& -c_2 \cdot \sin(x) \\ y''(x) &=& -c_2 \cdot \cos(x) \\\\ \Rightarrow y''(x) &=& -y(x) \\ \hline \end{array}\)


The solution exists of a functional family and becomes unequivocal by initial conditions.

\(\begin{array}{|rcll|} \hline y_{family}(x) &=& c_1 \cdot \sin(x) + c_2 \cdot \cos(x) \\ y'(x) &=& c_1 \cdot \cos(x) - c_2 \cdot \sin(x) \\ y''(x) &=& -c_1 \cdot \sin(x) - c_2 \cdot \cos(x) \\ &=& - (c_1 \cdot \sin(x) + c_2 \cdot \cos(x)) \\ &=& -y(x) \ \checkmark \\ \hline \end{array}\)


computation of c1 and c2

\(\begin{array}{|rcll|} \hline y(x) &=& c_1 \cdot \sin(x) + c_2 \cdot \cos(x) \quad & | \quad y(0) = 2 \\ 2 &=& c_1 \cdot \sin(0) + c_2 \cdot \cos(0) \\ 2 &=& 0 + c_2 \cdot 1 \\ c_2 &=& 2 \\\\ y'(x) &=& c_1 \cdot \cos(x) - c_2 \cdot \sin(x) \quad & | \quad y'(0) = 1 \\ 1 &=& c_1 \cdot \cos(0) - c_2 \cdot \sin(0) \\ 1 &=& c_1 \cdot 1 - 0 \\ c_1 &=& 1 \\ \hline \end{array}\)


The function y(x):

\(\begin{array}{|rcll|} \hline y(x) &=& c_1 \cdot \sin(x) + c_2 \cdot \cos(x) \quad & | \quad c_1 = 1 \quad c_2 = 2 \\\\ y(x) &=& 1 \cdot \sin(x) + 2 \cdot \cos(x) \\ \mathbf{y(x)} & \mathbf{=} & \mathbf{ \sin(x) + 2 \cdot \cos(x) } \\ \hline \end{array}\)



 Dec 13, 2016

Thanks  Alan and Heureka,

I recognised this as simple harmonic motion and I have some intrinsical understanding of your starting points.

I just have no understanding of Chris's first line that  is  r^2  + 1 =0  I just can't see the relevance but it doesn't matter becasue the line can be skipped.  I will look at the sites Chris has sent me too and also look at what our guest (thanks guest) did them maybe it will twig with me :)

 Dec 13, 2016
Best Answer

Chris's characteristic equation results from assuming a solution of the form y(t) = kert. This results in:

r2y + y = 0, which, to be true for all t, means r2 + 1 = 0, so r = i and -i.  This means the general solution can be written as the sum: y = k1eit + k2e-it.  Turning this into trig functions we get y = Asin(t) + Bcos(t).  (The k's, A and B are arbitrary constants thus far, of course).

Alan  Dec 13, 2016

Thanks Alan :)

 Dec 13, 2016

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