
If \(f(x)\) is a function whose domain is \([-8, 8]\), and \(g(x)=f\left(\frac x2\right)\), then the domain of \(g(x)\) is an interval of what width?


Thanks in advance :D

 Mar 12, 2024

Best Answer 


The  " x/2 " will double the interval width of f(x).....so the interval width = 32


See an example  here




cool cool cool

 Mar 12, 2024

The strategy is to consider how values are scaled when moving from the domain of f to the domain of g.


Since g(x)=f(x/2), taking an input value x in the domain of g and feeding it into f is the same as feeding x/2 into f.


The domain of f is [−8,8], which means the valid inputs for f range from −8 to 8. When we take these values and divide them by 2, we get a range of values from 2−8​=−4 to 28​=4.


Now, these scaled values cover the entire domain of f because f is defined across this range. So the new interval we obtain, [−4,4], has the same width as the original domain [-8, 8]. The width is $ {-8} - {-4} = 4$.


However, the new interval is centered at x=0 instead of x=4. So the resulting domain of g is [−4,4]​.


The interval [-4,4] has width 8.

 Mar 12, 2024
Best Answer

The  " x/2 " will double the interval width of f(x).....so the interval width = 32


See an example  here




cool cool cool

CPhill Mar 12, 2024

AoPS homework again, "NotLatePY"?

 Mar 15, 2024
edited by Holtran  Mar 15, 2024

Thank you for your insightful snark, NotLatePY! I wonder when you will start completing your homework honestly instead of running here to cheat!

 Mar 16, 2024
edited by Holtran  Mar 16, 2024

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