
Chords WY and XZ of a circle are perpendicular. If XV = 4, WV = 3, and VZ = 9, then find YZ.


 Mar 21, 2017

The products of associated chord segments in a circle are equal......so....


WV * VY  = XV * VZ


3 * VY  = 4 * 9


VY  =  4 * 9 / 3


VY  = 36 / 3


VY  = 12


And since VY and VZ are at right angles, YZ is the hypotenuse of right triangle VYZ


So....YZ  =  sqrt (VZ^2 + VY^2 )    =  sqrt ( 9^2 + 12^2)   =

sqrt (81 + 144)   =  sqrt (225)    =  15



cool cool cool

 Mar 21, 2017

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