
Four students sat an examination, and their resulting marks were all whole numbers. Alan was top of the class and scored 80 marks more than the lowest scoring student. Brian's mark had the very same two digits in it as Allen's. Chris's mark was the third of Allen's, and similarly, David's mark was a third of Brian's. Oddly enough, David's mark had the very same two digits in it as Chris's. What marks did the four boys get. Thanks.

 Dec 21, 2016

This is essentially a guessing game!.

I will assume that highest mark is 100. Since Alan's mark is 80 more than the lowest mark and is 3 times Chris's mark, that means his mark must be divisible by 3. Hence, his mark must one of the following numbers: 81, 84, 87, 90, 93, 96, and 99. By trial and error it appears to be 93.

Chris's mark =93/3 =31. Brian's mark must be 39, the same two digits as Alan's reversed. And David's mark must Chris's mark reversed, or 13. And the difference between the highest mark, or Alan's 93 and David's 13 =80.

 Dec 21, 2016

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