
Here is a question I did when learning algebra thorugh the AoPS Intro to Algebra TEXTBOOK


Don't worry, this is from the textbook I'm self-learning and I've solved it.


This is also from an AMC12 so it's not a violation of copyright since I'm citing it


It's good for a exponent refresher.


Latex isn't working so here's the photo.



This should be relatively easy for the moderators and probably some of the regular users too


I did it in 3 minutes, my parents in like 30 seconds LOL



 May 14, 2020
edited by hugomimihu  May 14, 2020
edited by hugomimihu  May 14, 2020

     5^(48/x)                             1

_________________ =        ____

5^(26/x) * 25^(17/x)               25^2



5^(48/x - 26/x)                     1

_____________ =          ______ 

    (5^2)^(17/x)                   25^2



5^( 22/x)                       1

_______   =             ________              

5^(34/x)                     (5^2)^2



   1                             1

_______   =          _____

5^(12/x)                   5^4


Which implies that    12/x = 4     ⇒   x  = 3



cool cool cool

 May 14, 2020

THis is how I did it(or similar, this is from a few days ago, doing it now)


So we first convert all 25^whatevers into 5^somethings




5^-4 = 5^48/x OVER 5^26/x * 5*34/x = 5 ^(48-26-34)x = 5^-12x


so -12x = -4, x = 3


essentially the same as what you did




And also I'd nominate your answer for "Best Answer"

hugomimihu  May 14, 2020
edited by hugomimihu  May 14, 2020

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