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If I have a bill being paid by 3 beneficiaries and one receives two different sums while the other two receive an equal sum each. How do I fairly charge each person when one receives a greater amount than the other two.


Let's say the debt owed is $300.00

let's say the total amount of benefits come to $700.00 which involves 2 policies.

Eddie is the sole beneficiary of policy (A) at a sum of $300.00

Eddie, Joe and John are all three a beneficiary of policy (B) at a sum of $400.00

What fraction or percent would each owe toward this $300.00 debt.


What would Eddie owe?

What would Joe owe?

What would John owe?

 Jul 16, 2015

Best Answer 


ok I think I understand you

Eddie gets 300+(400/3) dollars   and   joe and John both get (400/3) dollars


The extra 300 that Eddie gets it 3/7 of the total so that should attract 3/7 of the debt


37×300=9007=128.5714285714285714    that is $128.57


The rest of the debt is divided equally 3 ways        


rest of debt =    300128.57=171.43




So Eddie pays    128.57+57.14=185.71   dollars


John and Joe pay   $57.14


check:   185.71+2×57.14=299.99       

There you go ...   someone better cough up the extra 1 cent :)

 Jul 17, 2015

The one who knocked off the insured mark takes the greatest risk, he/she should take the least monetary hit.

 Jul 16, 2015
Best Answer

ok I think I understand you

Eddie gets 300+(400/3) dollars   and   joe and John both get (400/3) dollars


The extra 300 that Eddie gets it 3/7 of the total so that should attract 3/7 of the debt


37×300=9007=128.5714285714285714    that is $128.57


The rest of the debt is divided equally 3 ways        


rest of debt =    300128.57=171.43




So Eddie pays    128.57+57.14=185.71   dollars


John and Joe pay   $57.14


check:   185.71+2×57.14=299.99       

There you go ...   someone better cough up the extra 1 cent :)

Melody Jul 17, 2015

"The who knocked off the insured mark". Sorry but you lost me.

 Jul 17, 2015

Who is Mark?   

Is he the dead guy?  You would think he would have paid his own debts before he got knocked off, would't you?  How thoughtless of him!

 Jul 17, 2015

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