
Find the circumradius of triangle JKL if KL=16 and JK=JL=17

 Nov 20, 2015

Best Answer 


From the associated diagram below, it is obvious that the radius of the circle on which each of the vertices of triangle JKL lie will be located at (8, n)........where n is the y coordinate that we're looking for....let's call this point "O"



We can equate distances here to solve for n


The distance from K to O    =  sqrt [ 8^2 + n^2]   = sqrt [ 64 +n^2 ]


And the distance from  J to O   = sqrt  [ (15 - n)^2]  =  15 - n


So .......sqrt [ 64] + n^2] = 15 - n     ...... square both sides


64 + n^2  =  225 - 30n + n^2


30n  = 225 - 64


30n =  161


n = 161 / 30


So, "O"  =  (8, 161/30)


And the distance from J  to O   =  15 - 161/30   =  [450 -  161] / 30   =  289/30 .....  this is the circumradius......!!!


And the equation of the circle through all three points is :


(x - 8)^2 + (y - 161/30)^2   = (289/  30)^2


P.S.  = There is a "formula" for finding the circumradius of a triangle  =    [ a* b * c ] / [ 4 A]    where a,b,c are the sides of the triangle and A is the area......


Using this, we have   [ 16 * 17^2]  / [ 4 * 120]  = 289 / 30   .....the same result as mine  !!!!


Here's the proof of this "formula"...it's surprisingly simple !!!!........http://www.artofproblemsolving.com/wiki/index.php/Circumradius



cool cool cool

 Nov 21, 2015
edited by CPhill  Nov 21, 2015
edited by CPhill  Nov 21, 2015
Best Answer

From the associated diagram below, it is obvious that the radius of the circle on which each of the vertices of triangle JKL lie will be located at (8, n)........where n is the y coordinate that we're looking for....let's call this point "O"



We can equate distances here to solve for n


The distance from K to O    =  sqrt [ 8^2 + n^2]   = sqrt [ 64 +n^2 ]


And the distance from  J to O   = sqrt  [ (15 - n)^2]  =  15 - n


So .......sqrt [ 64] + n^2] = 15 - n     ...... square both sides


64 + n^2  =  225 - 30n + n^2


30n  = 225 - 64


30n =  161


n = 161 / 30


So, "O"  =  (8, 161/30)


And the distance from J  to O   =  15 - 161/30   =  [450 -  161] / 30   =  289/30 .....  this is the circumradius......!!!


And the equation of the circle through all three points is :


(x - 8)^2 + (y - 161/30)^2   = (289/  30)^2


P.S.  = There is a "formula" for finding the circumradius of a triangle  =    [ a* b * c ] / [ 4 A]    where a,b,c are the sides of the triangle and A is the area......


Using this, we have   [ 16 * 17^2]  / [ 4 * 120]  = 289 / 30   .....the same result as mine  !!!!


Here's the proof of this "formula"...it's surprisingly simple !!!!........http://www.artofproblemsolving.com/wiki/index.php/Circumradius



cool cool cool

CPhill Nov 21, 2015
edited by CPhill  Nov 21, 2015
edited by CPhill  Nov 21, 2015

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