
find the exact value of the inverse of cos (-1/2)

 Nov 25, 2014

Best Answer 


find the exact value of the inverse of cos (-1/2)


for starters it is negative so it is the second quadrant.

Now I'll look for the first quad equivalent

This is just an equilateral triangle of side lenght 2 that has been split down the middle.

You can see that inverse cos (1/2) is 60degrees

The second quad equivalent 180-60=120°



 Nov 25, 2014
Best Answer

find the exact value of the inverse of cos (-1/2)


for starters it is negative so it is the second quadrant.

Now I'll look for the first quad equivalent

This is just an equilateral triangle of side lenght 2 that has been split down the middle.

You can see that inverse cos (1/2) is 60degrees

The second quad equivalent 180-60=120°



Melody Nov 25, 2014

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