
Find the slope and y-intercept of the line.

y= 4/3x-3


y= 6/5x+6




18x+ 12y+-96






m=3, b=-5

 Sep 13, 2015

Best Answer 


y= 4/3x-3    when it's in this form, the slope is the thing in front of  the x ....(4/3) ..... and the y intercept is what's left after the x...... ( - 3)


The second one is just like the first


14x+4y=24   the whole objective is to get y by itself on the left side

Subtract 14x from both sides

4y = -14x + 24

Divide both sides by  4

y =(-14/4)x + 24/4      simplify

y = (-7/2)x + 6      and now, the slope is (-7/2) and the y intercept is (6)


Haley, you should be able to do the next three.....they're just like this last one


Last one  [ easy]


m = 3  b= -5


Using the form, y = mx +/- b  we have.......


y = 3x - 5         that's it!!!!




cool cool cool

 Sep 13, 2015
Best Answer

y= 4/3x-3    when it's in this form, the slope is the thing in front of  the x ....(4/3) ..... and the y intercept is what's left after the x...... ( - 3)


The second one is just like the first


14x+4y=24   the whole objective is to get y by itself on the left side

Subtract 14x from both sides

4y = -14x + 24

Divide both sides by  4

y =(-14/4)x + 24/4      simplify

y = (-7/2)x + 6      and now, the slope is (-7/2) and the y intercept is (6)


Haley, you should be able to do the next three.....they're just like this last one


Last one  [ easy]


m = 3  b= -5


Using the form, y = mx +/- b  we have.......


y = 3x - 5         that's it!!!!




cool cool cool

CPhill Sep 13, 2015

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