Avery has an average of 98.25 phones sold every 10 days.
We want to find how many phones were sold in the month of April (30 days).
Since average is calculated by \({sum \over count}\)....
sum = x
count = 3
average = 98.25
\({x \over 3} = {98.25}\)
\(x = {294.75}\)
Is this right? I just wanted to make sure :) I'm pretty sure you can't sell a 294.75 number of phones so I'm confused?
Your answer is correct because you are given a fraction of a phone in "98.25 phones sold in 10 days".
Now, I would solve it this way:
98.25 phones / 10 days =9.825 phones sold in 1 day.
9.825 phones x 30 days(in April) =294.75, which is what you got. Since you can't have a fraction of a phone, then you simply round it up, in this case, to: 295 phones sold in April.