A rational number is a number that can be put into the form a/b where a and b are integers and b ≠ 0.
Every common fraction is a rational number. Every mixed fration is a rational number.
Decimals that terminate (such as 12.375) or repeat (such as -2.34343434...) are rational numbers.
12.375 = 12 3/8 = 99/8. -2.3434... = -2 34/99 = -232/99
Decimals that neither terminate nor repeat, such as √2 and π are not rational.
A rational number is a number that can be put into the form a/b where a and b are integers and b ≠ 0.
Every common fraction is a rational number. Every mixed fration is a rational number.
Decimals that terminate (such as 12.375) or repeat (such as -2.34343434...) are rational numbers.
12.375 = 12 3/8 = 99/8. -2.3434... = -2 34/99 = -232/99
Decimals that neither terminate nor repeat, such as √2 and π are not rational.