
for the definate integral : 
Upper 2 lower -1, of 5sin(3x)dx

Answer is wrong. Why? 
Answer to find (if right in the sample exam is equal to -3.25, which is what a graphing calculate gives. 

Also, how do I put the answer in manually into a calculator that does not graph, that is, where do i put brackets/ what steps do i take to get the right answer. Nothing I do can provide the right answer. Yes calculator is in degrees.

 Jun 1, 2014

Best Answer 


ok.  So plot the graph of cos(x) where x is is in degrees.  This time we have to home in on a small portion of the graph to see it clearly:


You can see they are still the same.

$$\underset{\,\,\,\,^{\textcolor[rgb]{0.66,0.66,0.66}{360^\circ}}}{{cos}}{\left({\mathtt{3}}^\circ\right)} = {\mathtt{0.998\: \!629\: \!534\: \!755}}$$

$$\underset{\,\,\,\,^{\textcolor[rgb]{0.66,0.66,0.66}{360^\circ}}}{{cos}}{\left(-{\mathtt{3}}^\circ\right)} = {\mathtt{0.998\: \!629\: \!534\: \!755}}$$

However, your original post stated that the correct answer to the integral was -3.25.  This is only true if x is in radians.

 Jun 1, 2014

Wasn't this the one you did last night?? Remember the calculator has to be in radian mode.......

After you integrate, you should get

(5/3) [cos(-3) - cos(6)] = -3.25

Does that help??

 Jun 1, 2014

You were almost right Stu; just one small (but vital) mistake in the last line:  cos(-3) is +cos(3) not -cos(3).

 Jun 1, 2014

Why is this in radians and not degrees? It is not specified so I assume it is degree standard. Also, I do not understand how you take the /3 out side the bracked and devide the 5 to get the same result as having it inside. Also, why is it + when there is 3 - sign in the equation. I was told that the two intial minu make positive but then the - on the degree to the cos (-3) comes out side to make the + and - a negative. As shown in my example. SOme further explaination would assist me. As well, this is not the equation from last night.

 Jun 1, 2014

It is normal to assume the angle is in radians unless it is accompanied by an explicit degree sign.

To see that cos(-3) is the same as cos(3) look at the graph below:


You can see that cos(-3) has exactly the same value as cos(3).  They are both ≈ -0.99.  

 Jun 1, 2014

im not sure, but only one question is in radian on the exam sample, which specifies radians and gives the sign of radians. All others I have taken to be in degrees. 

 Jun 1, 2014
Best Answer

ok.  So plot the graph of cos(x) where x is is in degrees.  This time we have to home in on a small portion of the graph to see it clearly:


You can see they are still the same.

$$\underset{\,\,\,\,^{\textcolor[rgb]{0.66,0.66,0.66}{360^\circ}}}{{cos}}{\left({\mathtt{3}}^\circ\right)} = {\mathtt{0.998\: \!629\: \!534\: \!755}}$$

$$\underset{\,\,\,\,^{\textcolor[rgb]{0.66,0.66,0.66}{360^\circ}}}{{cos}}{\left(-{\mathtt{3}}^\circ\right)} = {\mathtt{0.998\: \!629\: \!534\: \!755}}$$

However, your original post stated that the correct answer to the integral was -3.25.  This is only true if x is in radians.

Alan Jun 1, 2014

Thanks, I have emailed the guy who wrote the exam to clarify facts about this matter. Thanks.  In other questions  of indefinate integrals, I believe it was right when calculated in degrees. But have had some problems with this so im not sure. I'l wait for a reply email from the person in question. Thanks for this assistance.

 Jun 1, 2014

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