
CPhill and the other moderators have left FOR GOOD.

Why? You may ask.

I'll tell you why: they were ashamed of the cr*ppy mess this website has become. Everyday, homework cheaters and lazy students get free answers to their incoherent questions without having to do anything whatsoever. Most of the questions here do not make any sense whatsoever and are just pure spam. With the release of ChatGPT, most 'answers' here are probably generated cr*p, and moderation refuses to do anything about it.

The content rating system is horrible and broken, allowing bad answers to proliferate and even upvoted.  There is too much assumption about 'good faith' and 'honest work', most people posting questions are here to cheat. Also, bad answers are bad answers. They shouldn't be undeleted simply because 'the asker put a lot of effort into it.' Oh come on! The website shouldn't cater to the fragile egos of id*ots who can't string 2 and 2 together. If an answer is wrong, downvote and delete. An answer box doens't care about how much supposed 'effort' anyone put into it.

Back to ChatGPT: if it reads like GPT, if zerogpt recognizes it as GPT, if it is as incorrect as GPT, THEN IT IS GPT!!! Goddamit! Common sense! Why is chatgpt content not deleted on site? It is more harmful than regular garden-variety sh*t since it SEEMS correct, but is actually not. Why does moderation not seem to be concerned? I have no idea. If it looks like ChatGPT, if it is incorrect, delete it. You don't need 100% proof. The lack of common sense is appalling.

There is also a copyright issue: a lot of content is copied from a o p s(which for some reason we are not allowed to mention- bullsh*t!) THIS IS AN INFRINGEMENT OF THE HONOR CODE AND ToS!! It is AGAINST class rules to copy homework to outside sources. This sh*t*ss website seems to not only not care but ACTIVELY SUPPORT copyright infringements; in one specific case, a copied question was not only allowed to remain, but all comments calling it out were deleted as well. But the only answer was ChatGPT generated, which of course was allowed to stand.

In short: the moderators do not want to spend their lives wading through sh*t on a cr*ppy website in service of dishonest sh*theads who can't ask a question without begging for special treatment.

 Jul 14, 2023
edited by Guest  Jul 14, 2023

This is so true. The website is going down.

 Jul 14, 2023

This is so true. The website is going down.


Actually it’s not ...well, maybe in your wet-dream fantasies, but not in any existent reality –virtual or otherwise.  Long after you quit giving a damn about this Forum, it will still be here. I know this because...


A Funny Thing Happened on the Way to the Forum... 



--. .- 

Guest Jul 14, 2023

Very well, believe what you must. But eventually, this website will fall into decay from lack of management and lack of new users. Then, it will be overwhelmed by spammers and hackers and turn into a faulty redirect to spam sites, a reminder that quality standards are important for the survival of a Q&A platform.

Guest Jul 14, 2023

Your analysis is short-sighted and lacks precedent examples. Your conclusions are illogical.

Why would spammers overwhelm a website that has fallen into decay? Spammers and trolls are interested in active and populated sites, not dead ones.  The motivations and goals of hackers are very dissimilar from the motivations and goals of spammers and trolls.  There is no evidence of hacker activity on this site.


The adulterated AoPS question spammers and wrong answer trolls are motivated by a desire to inhibit or stop “homework” cheaters from using this site. Their attack is effective. Early on, within the first month of the AoPS adulterated-question spamming, the number of visitors and page view counts dropped precipitously. [I have statistical samples, but I’m not going to post them here.] Though effective, students are still posting valid AoPS questions, and receiving legitimate detailed answers to them.


Later, mostly in the past the weeks, the number of Wrong Answer Troll posts increased. This was in response to the students who were still posting valid AoPS questions. Many of the presented answers are copies of formal solutions by skilled AoPS teachers that are adulterated to make them false.  It’s notable that these wrong answers usually appear within one to three hours of the question posting. Someone is paying close attention to AoPS questions. If a correct answer is posted then another adulterated skilled answer post will appear with a different solution.  This sometimes appears as a game of cat-and-mouse.


Three weeks ago the number of juvenile rants complaining about homework cheaters increased five-fold. These rant posts are so inarticulate and illiterate they seem theatrical. That is the posts are made by someone attempting to appear as a moronic, illiterate juvenile. This newest spam attack appears to be an attempt to provoke a type of “cancel culture” aura toward the homework cheaters. The spammers should quickly find that this tactic is the least effective of their three-pronged attack.


This forum isn’t going anywhere, unless Andre Massow, the calculator and forum creator and administrator pulls the plug. There is nothing to indicate that will happen anytime soon.


The Calculator is Herr Massow’s child, though it’s sometimes wayward, I doubt very much he’s ready to disown it anytime soon. The forum is his grandchild. In the early days the grandchild brought in all types of multicultural party animals.  There are not many parties anymore, but there are still many animals. Even so, the forum is family, so it’s not likely to go anywhere anytime soon. I hope not, anyway. 

Source: https://web2.0calc.com/questions/we-should-really-put-this-site-on-brave-as-a-verified-website#r7


IF the sewer pipe of adulterated AoPS questions is plugged or restricted, then this forum will return to normal –perhaps a new normal, within a few weeks. 




--. .- 

Guest Jul 15, 2023
edited by Guest  Jul 15, 2023

Serves the hw cheaters right. I don't give the slightest f about trolls on this cr*p site. In fact, I encourage them to give wrong answers so those b*tches can learn the hard way.

Guest Jul 15, 2023

It's justice for the hw cheats. I could care less if there are trolls on this garbage website. In fact, I advise them to give incorrect responses so such b*tches will discover their lesson the hard way.


Guest Jul 16, 2023

Um, ok? Did I ask? No.

Guest Jul 16, 2023

For the record, Post # 14, signed by GA, is not by the real GA. Obviously..


You seem very angry about the cheaters on this forum. Why do you care?


Do you hate this garbage site because no one answered your AoPS questions?


Were you a good doobie? One who never asked AoPS questions on here, but now wish you did, because you might have learned from it.  Now you want revenge on those who do.


Are you despondent because you could not learn the math, even with valid and detailed answers presented by web2.0calc’s forum members and guests? Did you just copy the answers and not learn anything from them?   


Why are you here? What is your motivation?


Whatever the reason, you seem obsessed. You should seek counseling.




--. .- 

Guest Jul 16, 2023
edited by Guest  Jul 16, 2023
edited by Guest  Jul 16, 2023

For your information, I know enough about math to tell if an answer is wrong. Your contradictory statements and absurd presumptions are rather worrying. Perhaps it is you that needs to seek counseling.

Guest Jul 16, 2023

For your information, I recognize sufficient approximately math to inform if a solution is wrong. Your contradictory statements and absurd presumptions are instead worrying. Perhaps it's miles you that wishes to searching for counseling.

Guest Jul 16, 2023

“Word salad” is a sign of brain damage.   

More better to approximate the needs for psychiatric and neurological medical help. Do it yesterday because you might remember your other self tomorrow.

Guest Jul 16, 2023

Actually, I have recognized the error of my ways. I was too naive, my explanations too frivolous, my mathematical knowledge too limited.



Guest Jul 16, 2023

Some examples I found:


Please give me all the answers i too lazy to spend 5 seconds searching on google: https://web2.0calc.com/questions/find-the-exact-values_1


ChatGPT: https://web2.0calc.com/questions/help-please_44203


Insidiously incorrect: https://web2.0calc.com/questions/i-need-help-with-algebra_1

 Jul 14, 2023

For those of you wondering about CPhill and others ...


Verrrry in—ter—esting! ....

Stay tuned to find out why ....



--. .- 

 Jul 14, 2023


So.... Why is this Verrrry in—ter—esting! .........???


The originator of this thread is none other than the Forum’s Mr. BB –The Bullshit Bug.



--. .- 

GingerlockHolmes  Jul 14, 2023
edited by Guest  Aug 21, 2023


Word problem about moderator cphill(Chris) and melody

 Jul 15, 2023

2 Online Users
