Who is the founder of tax?
 Jan 26, 2014

Who is the founder of tax?

I think that tax has been around since the earliest civilizations. Even before money was used.
Whenever people lived together in a big group some things will need to be provided that everyone can use, like roads, or wells for water supply, or armies to provide protection. Taxes must pay for these things.
Also if a king or powerful leader rules he needs to be kept in luxury. Taxes pay for this too.
Then there are the less honest forms of tax. For example, a powerful person might say 'pay me taxes and I will protect you' but he might mean 'pay me a kick back or else my thugs will burn your business down'.

I am rambling a bit because I am tired but you get my drift.
I am sure that if you want a much better answer than this it will be right at the tips of your fingers (when you google it).
 Jan 26, 2014

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