$${\sqrt[{{\mathtt{{\mathtt{4}}}}}]{{\mathtt{10\,000}}}} = {\mathtt{10}}$$
its ten
you can plug in different numbered roots in by typing sqrt(x, y) where x is the radicand or whatever you call the thingy under the radical sign and y is the root number thing.
like this: $${\sqrt[{{\mathtt{{\mathtt{y}}}}}]{{\mathtt{x}}}}$$ thats by typing sqrt(x, y) just plug in your own values
$${\sqrt[{{\mathtt{{\mathtt{4}}}}}]{{\mathtt{10\,000}}}} = {\mathtt{10}}$$
its ten
you can plug in different numbered roots in by typing sqrt(x, y) where x is the radicand or whatever you call the thingy under the radical sign and y is the root number thing.
like this: $${\sqrt[{{\mathtt{{\mathtt{y}}}}}]{{\mathtt{x}}}}$$ thats by typing sqrt(x, y) just plug in your own values