
In rectangle ABCD, AD = 1, P is on AB, and DB and DP trisect angle ADC. Write the perimeter of triangle BDP in simplest form as: w+(x*sqrt(y))/z, where w, x, y, z are positive integers. What is w + x + y + z?


 Jan 31, 2018

Best Answer 



DB and DP trisect angle ADC,   so   m∠ADP  =  m∠PDB  =  m∠BDC  =  90° / 3  =  30°


∠ABD  and  ∠BDC  are alternate interior angles, so they have the same measure.


If we draw a line from  P to  BD  that is perpendicular to side BD, we will have congruent triangles.


The angle measures of these triangles are  30°, 60°, and 90° .


The side opposite the  60°  angle  =  1 , so

the side opposite the 90° angle  =  2 / √3


perimeter of triangle BDP   =  2  +  2/√3  +  2/√3   =   2  +  4/√3   =   2  +  4√3 / 3


2 + 4 + 3 + 3   =   12

 Jan 31, 2018
Best Answer


DB and DP trisect angle ADC,   so   m∠ADP  =  m∠PDB  =  m∠BDC  =  90° / 3  =  30°


∠ABD  and  ∠BDC  are alternate interior angles, so they have the same measure.


If we draw a line from  P to  BD  that is perpendicular to side BD, we will have congruent triangles.


The angle measures of these triangles are  30°, 60°, and 90° .


The side opposite the  60°  angle  =  1 , so

the side opposite the 90° angle  =  2 / √3


perimeter of triangle BDP   =  2  +  2/√3  +  2/√3   =   2  +  4/√3   =   2  +  4√3 / 3


2 + 4 + 3 + 3   =   12

hectictar Jan 31, 2018

Angle ADP  = 30°   and angle APD  = 60°


So.....since we have a 30-60-90 triangle......AP  =  1/√3   = √3/3

And PD  =   2 / √3  =  2√3 / 3


And angle DPB = 120°  and angle PDB = 30° ..... so   angle  PBD = 30°


So...triangle DPB  isosceles with  PD  = PB  =  2√3 / 3


And using the Law of Sines


DB/ sin(120)  = PB / sin (30)


DB  =  sin (120) * [ 2√3 / 3 ]  /  (1/2)  =    √3 * 2√3 / 3   =  2


So...the perimeter of triangle BDP  =


PD + PB + DB  =     4√3 / 3  +  2   =   


2  +  4√3 / 3


So   w  = 2,  x = 4 , y  = 3  and z  = 3 


And their sum is  12



cool cool cool

 Jan 31, 2018

I liked the way you did this, hectictar....the "congruent" triangles approach was a nice touch...!!!


cool cool cool

 Jan 31, 2018

Thanks!! smileysmiley

hectictar  Jan 31, 2018

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