
A rectangle is inscribed in a circle of radius 5 cm. If the area of the rectangle is equal to 1/3 the area of the circle, what is the perimeter of the rectangle? Express your answer as a decimal to the nearest tenth.

 Jul 15, 2022

Call the sides of the rectangle  a,  b


The diagonal of the rectangle =  2r    =   10




a^2 + b^2 =   100


The area of the circle =  25pi

So.....the area of the rectangle   =  (25/3) pi =   ab  →    b =  (25pi) / (3a) ...b^2  = 625 pi^2 / (9a^2)




a^2 +  625pi^2 / (9a^2)  = 100       multiply through by  a^2   and rearrange


a^4   - 100a^2  + (625/9)pi^2   =  0


a^4  -100a^2   = - (625pi^2)/9      complete the square on  a


a^4 -100a^2 + 2500  = -(625/9) pi^2 + 2500


(a^2 - 50)^2  = - (625/9)pi^2  + 2500         take the positive root


a^2  - 50  =  sqrt  [- (625/9)pi^2 + 2500 ]  ≈  42.6 cm


a^2 =  42.6 + 50   


a^2  ≈ 92.6


a =   sqrt (92.6)  ≈  9.6 cm


b = sqrt ( 100 - 92.6) ≈  2.7 cm


Perimeter of rectangle  =  2 ( a + b)  =  2 ( 9.6 + 2.7)  ≈  24.6 cm


cool cool cool

 Jul 15, 2022

Here's my go at this!


Area of circle: \(\pi r^2\)= 6.25pi

Rectangle area = 1/3 of 6.25pi, right? So, here's an equation. Let's call the height of the rectangle x.



Just solve for x!

 Jul 15, 2022

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