
Solve for x.


 Feb 12, 2020

This problem is neatly solved by Presh Talwalker on YouTube. Search for "Mind Your Decisions. The chord progression problem."

 Feb 12, 2020

Solve for x.

\(\begin{array}{|rcll|} \hline \mathbf{\text{cos-rule:}} \\ \hline \mathbf{z^2} &=& \mathbf{10^2+12^2-2*10*12*\cos(60^\circ)} \quad | \quad \cos(60^\circ) = \dfrac{1}{2} \\ z^2 &=& 100+144-240*\dfrac{1}{2} \\\\ z^2 &=& 124 \\\\ z^2 &=& 4*31 \\\\ \mathbf{z} &=& \mathbf{2\sqrt{31}} \qquad (1) \\ \hline \end{array} \)


\(\begin{array}{|rcll|} \hline \mathbf{\text{sin-rule:}} \\ \hline \mathbf{\dfrac{\sin(\alpha)}{10}} &=& \mathbf{\dfrac{\sin(60^\circ)}{z}} \\\\ \sin(\alpha) &=& \dfrac{10\sin(60^\circ)}{z} \quad | \quad \sin(60^\circ) = \dfrac{\sqrt{3}}{2} \\\\ \sin(\alpha) &=& \dfrac{10\sqrt{3}}{2z} \\\\ \sin(\alpha) &=& \dfrac{5\sqrt{3}}{z} \quad | \quad z=2\sqrt{31} \\\\ \sin(\alpha) &=& \dfrac{5\sqrt{3}}{2\sqrt{31}} \\\\ \sin(\alpha) &=& \dfrac{5}{62}\sqrt{93} \\\\ \sin(\alpha) &=& 0.77771377105 \\\\ \alpha &=& \arcsin\left(0.77771377105\right) \\\\ \mathbf{\alpha} &=& \mathbf{51.0517244354^\circ} \\ \hline \end{array} \)


\(\begin{array}{|rcll|} \hline \mathbf{\text{sin-rule:}} \\ \hline \mathbf{\dfrac{\sin(\alpha)}{10}} &=& \mathbf{ \dfrac{\sin(\beta)}{12}} \\\\ \sin(\beta) &=& \dfrac{12}{10}\sin(\alpha) \\\\ \sin(\beta) &=& \dfrac{6}{5}\sin(\alpha) \\\\ \sin(\beta) &=& \dfrac{6}{5}*0.77771377105 \\\\ \sin(\beta) &=& 0.93325652526 \\\\ \beta &=& \arcsin\left(0.93325652526\right) \\\\ \mathbf{\beta} &=& \mathbf{68.9482755646^\circ} \\ \hline \end{array} \)


\(\begin{array}{|rcll|} \hline \mathbf{\text{sin-rule:}} \\ \hline \mathbf{\dfrac{\sin(30^\circ+\alpha)}{x}} &=& \mathbf{ \dfrac{\sin(\beta)}{12}} \\\\ x &=& \dfrac{12\sin(30^\circ+\alpha)^\circ)}{\sin(\beta)} \\\\ x &=& \dfrac{12\sin(30^\circ+51.0517244354^\circ)}{0.93325652526} \\\\ x &=& \dfrac{12\sin(81.0517244354)}{0.93325652526} \\\\ x &=& \dfrac{12*0.98782916115}{0.93325652526} \\\\ x &=& \dfrac{11.8539499338}{0.93325652526} \\\\ \mathbf{x} &=& \mathbf{12.7017059222} \\ \hline \end{array} \)



 Feb 12, 2020

Let  the  intersection point of the three chords  = A

Let  the other end of the chord of length 10 =  B

Let the other end  of the chord of length 12 = C

Connect BC

Let the intersection of BC and chord "x"  = D

Let the other end of chord  "x"  = E



Using the Law of Cosines

BC = sqrt  [10^2 + 12^2  - 2 (10*12)cos (60°)]  =  sqrt ( 244 - 120)   = sqrt (124) = 2sqrt (31)


And because angle BAC is bisected  then  in triangle ABC

BA / CA  =  BD / CD

10/12  = BD /CD

5/6 = BD / CD

So   BD =  (5/11)* BC =  (5/11)*2sqrt (31)  = (10/11) sqrt (31)

And CD = (6/11) * BC = (6/11) * 2sqrt (31)  = (12/11)sqrt (31)


And  using the Law of Sines

sin ABC / 12  =  sin 60 / [ 2sqrt (31)]

sin ABC  =  12 sqrt (3) / [ 4sqrt (31) ]

sin ABC = 3sqrt (3) / sqrt (31)


And   using the Law of Sines once more

AD / sin ABC = BD / sin BAD

AD / [ 3sqrt (3) /sqrt (31) ]  =  (10/11)sqrt (31) / sin 30

AD sqrt (31) / [ 3sqrt (3) [ =  2 *(10/11) sqrt (31)

AD  =  60 sqrt (3)  / 11  =  (60/11)sqrt (3)


And  using the intersecting chord theorem


AD * DE =  BC * CD

(60/11)sqrt (3)  * DE  =  (10/11)sqrt (31) * (12/11)sqrt (31)

(60/11) sqrt (3) * DE  =  3720 / 121

(660/121)sqrt (3) * DE =  3720/121

DE  =  (3720/121) (121/660) / sqrt (3)

DE =  (62/11) / sqrt (3)

DE =  (62/33)sqrt (3)


So   "x"  =   AD  + DE =    sqrt(3)  ( 60/11 + 62/33)   = sqrt (3) ( 180 + 62) / 33  = 

sqrt ( 3)  (242 / 33 )  =   sqrt (3) (22/3)   =  

22 / sqrt (3)



cool cool cool

 Feb 12, 2020
edited by CPhill  Feb 12, 2020

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