Good morning,night,afternoon everyone!

How is everybody today/night? I'm doing good, although I'm super duper tired Well I'm up and about so if you need me I'll be on all day again from my time in the USA Arizona time it's 7:34am -11:40am
 Dec 10, 2013
Yes hello, my name is Lisa C**t last name pronounced as Klite like a kite and light :p And um my math question for you to help me is plot((3/x^2)-1, x=-360..360, -1.25..1.713) on a graph, well more likely did i get it right.? I'm not quite sure and i have more questions okay? Hmmm...okay well here okay.....

2. y = log x
If y = 10, then what is x?

3. One day, a person went to horse racing area, Instead of counting the number of human and horses, he instead counted 74 heads and 196 legs. Yet he knew the number of humans and horses there. How did he do it, and how many humans and horses are there?

4.10*9*8*7*6*5*4*3*2*1 = 10!
Can this be true?! Why or why not?
 Dec 10, 2013
Hi nice to meet you. I'm professor veronica, anyways the first question you asked me is correct because I scattered it upon a graph and the units are placed right on point. Well here are the answers to rest...

2. y = log x
10 = log x
10 = 10^x
x = 1

3. Let's assume that HM = Human and
HR = Horse

HM + HR = 74
2HM + 4HR = 196
(2HM + 4HR) - (2 HM + 2HR) = 196 - 148
2HR = 48
HR = 24
HM + (24) = 74
HM = 74 - 24
HM = 50

So, the solution is 24 horses and 50 humans.

4. Yes!!!
The expression "x!" means x(x-1)(x-2)(x-3)...1
So 10! means 10(10-1)(10-2)(10-3)(10-4)(10-5)(10-6)(10-7)(10-8)(10-9)=
which means it is correct.
 Dec 10, 2013

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