Graph the exponential function: f(x)=-(1/2)^x
 Dec 11, 2013

Graph the exponential function: f(x)=-(1/2)^x

Do you know what the basic shape of f(x)=2 x is?

If not then you need to look at a page like this one. It might be good for you to look at it anyway.
I just found this page quickly but it looks quite good. There would be lots of other helpful sites.
Do you know how tho write (1/2)^x without the fraction line? (you need to know this)
I want you to think about (graph) these 3 equations
1) y=2x+3
2) y=2(-x)+3 Here I have made the x negative
3) -y=2(-x)+3 which could be written as y= - [2(-x)+3] Now I've taken the second one and made the y negative

what is happening to the graph - how could you get from the first to the second to the third without treating them like totally new questions?

Now think about how this relates to your question.

You are welcome to post again but I want you to do these things first and tell me what you have discovered.
 Dec 11, 2013

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