
A triangle is formed with one vertex at the vertex of the parabola \(y=x^2-1\) and the other two vertices at the intersections of the line \(y=r\) and the parabola. If the area of the triangle is between 8 and 64 inclusive, find all possible values of r. Express your answer in interval notation.

 Jul 7, 2022

Best Answer 


To make this problem easier, let's just shift the parabola up one unit so the we have the parabola  y =  x^2


The height  of our triangle = x^2  and the base =  2x


To have an area of 8  we need to  solve this


(1/2)* 2x  * x^2   = 8


x^3  =  8


x = 2


At x = 2 the base will be  2(2)  = 4  and the height will be  2^2 =  4  = y


And similarly   for and area of  64  we need  to  solve this


(1/2) * 2x  * x^2 =  64


x^4 =  64


x =  4


At x = 4, the base =  2(4) = 8   and the height = 4^2  = 16 = y


So....we  need to  shift everything down  by one  unit


y = "r"  will range from   (4-1) =  3  to  (16 -1)  =   15


So  r =   [ 3 , 15 ] 



cool cool cool

 Jul 8, 2022

The answer is [3,24].

 Jul 7, 2022
Best Answer

To make this problem easier, let's just shift the parabola up one unit so the we have the parabola  y =  x^2


The height  of our triangle = x^2  and the base =  2x


To have an area of 8  we need to  solve this


(1/2)* 2x  * x^2   = 8


x^3  =  8


x = 2


At x = 2 the base will be  2(2)  = 4  and the height will be  2^2 =  4  = y


And similarly   for and area of  64  we need  to  solve this


(1/2) * 2x  * x^2 =  64


x^4 =  64


x =  4


At x = 4, the base =  2(4) = 8   and the height = 4^2  = 16 = y


So....we  need to  shift everything down  by one  unit


y = "r"  will range from   (4-1) =  3  to  (16 -1)  =   15


So  r =   [ 3 , 15 ] 



cool cool cool

CPhill Jul 8, 2022

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